Mernie's Mooooses And Other Stuff

July 21, 2007


Hello Everyone,

Yes, I'm still alive and kicking!! I know it's been quite a long while since I've written anything to anybody! My best friend, Kathy, must be pretty upset with me by now, especially since it's been months that I've written her! Allen and Doug are probably upset too. I'll try to do better. Maybe this blog will help me.

I'm doing pretty well lately, some days are better than others, if you know what I mean. Life here at the Fountains at Crystal Lake goes on as it always does. Yesterday [July 20] we had a Country Fair event with music entertainment, merchandise tables, games, and food. There was also a raffle drawing and yours truly actually won something! A pair of pretty Fall wall hangings! They will become part of my Fall decor come September.

Thursday night [July 18] I treated my family to dinner at TGIF Friday here in Crystal Lake. They came over [from Spring Grove] after Rob got home from work. The kids practised using their best manners so well that our waitress complimented them and said they were the best behaved children she'd seen all day! Tuesday night [July 17] Andrew and Marli had a swim meet over here in Crystal Lake, so Rob pick me up after work and we met the rest of the crew at the Country Club [beautiful place!]. It was fun getting to watch the kids win second place in a couple of the events. This was their first year in being on a swim team, so I think they've done very well. They've managed to win ribbons at all their meets and today [July 21] they went to the final meet in Rockford. [Update coming later]

Monday night [July 16] I had another bout with my stomach being upset. I have had these episodes at least once or twice a month ever since my surgry over a year ago! This one was a little worse than some of the others! Time to see a Gastric Specialist I guess. Rob is going to get me an appointment with one in McHenry and take me soon. Tuesday morning, my friend Cindy, dropped by with a surprise present. It was the cutest metal box with three very cute little lady bugs inside. [At the Country Fair yesterday, I bought two more little ones to add the other three] Cindy stayed and made me a cup of hot tea and straightened up a few things in the bathroom for me. It was sweet of her to do so. By the afternoon I felt much better, had a shower and ate a little dinner. I was glad I felt better enough to attend the swim meet that evening after all.



  • At 10:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hello Aunt Mernie,

    I hope you don't have a heart attack when you read that this is from me (your nephew Jim). I am terrible at writing but I do read the things you send from time to time. Sounds like you are having a nice summer. It sounds like the TGI Friday experience was fun. I impressed at how well behaved the kids were. That is a rare thing to hear when we go out in public! Well I love you very much. Thanks for always being so good to me. Take care,


  • At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No... I'm not upset... Just thought you forgot about me. (kidding) I know you're busy. My Michelle had her baby on the 19th and so I'm in Mesa, AZ right now with her. It's a boy and they named him Connor Mark. He is so great but they have to keep him in the hospital for a few more days because his little heart jumps up too fast every once in a while. He does it sometimes when he yawns, caughs, poops or gets the hickups. They need to get the mediction right before they send him home... and even then he may still come home with a monitor. It's been a little scary, but we are strong and will manage. Sure is a cute little guy!
    I think of you all the time and hope the Chicago summer humidity isn't weighing you down too much. Erin said she saw you in church and that you looked great! I always thought so too. I love you!

  • At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Darling Mernie, Loved your letter and hearing about what you are doing. I retired June 1st and then spent a few weeks in Utah before starting a new job late in June. Bentley and Nicholas both work for me and things are going good so far. I'm enjoying the extra days off as I work 3 concentrated days (48 hrs.) and have four days off a week. I've been enjoying the pool and going to a few buffets here in Vegas. I think about you all the time and I'm glad to be able to keep in touch in this way. All my Love, Danny

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger allen wilson said…

    Dear Mernie,
    I enjoyed your blog. I am sorry to hear about your stomach. Have you been to the doctor since you wrote that article last? I am happy that you have a friend Cindy to drop in and see you. It was very nice talking to you on the phone.

    We are enjoying Panguitch. Weather has been perfect this last week, however, it looks like we are getting more rain which we desperately need.

    We were sad to hear that Pres. Faust passed away. We have listened to several of his talks on the BYU channel today. He truly was an inspired man and the church will miss him very much. His funeral will be on th BYU channel tomorrow which you can pick up on the internet if you don't have BYU channel.

    The county fair will be this week which we look forward to attending.

    Dee sends her love.
    Love, Allen


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